It’s an odd realization – but I think I may have learned more from my time as a teacher than I have from my time as a student. Here’s what I learned.
How to Use Imagery to be Confident, Focused, Prepared, and More
There is more to imagery than just imagining confidence and envisioning victory. A successful imagery practice doesn’t just happen because you close your eyes and think about your sport.
Mindfulness Challenge: 100 Days of Reflection
January 1st seems like a good time to work on a skill that lately I’ve been hearing more and more about: mindfulness.
Where Are My Abs?! Rethinking Goal Setting
Where does discipline come from once you’ve accomplished the goal that was driving you in the first place?
More Than Just Self-Defense: How Martial Arts Develop Life Skills
Beyond self-defense and fighting strategy, martial arts can serve as a vehicle for personal development. What are some life skills that individuals can develop through training and competition that will carry over to different parts of their lives?