The fabric of fighting speaks to me on a level so deep that I feel as though my uniform has become part of who I am. What role do your closest material possessions play in your identity as an athlete, fighter, or martial artist?
If I Never Trained Jiu-Jitsu Again
Rather than be dependent on jiu-jitsu to keep me happy, I want to know that I can use what I’ve learned from the art to find happiness and success in other parts of my life.
How I Stay Grateful as an Athlete
I’ve begun to find comfort in the gentle reminder that every time I practice or compete in my sport, I am moving one session closer to the end. It’s a reminder to give it my all, hold nothing back, and live and act as though my time is limited – because it is.
3 Things I’ve Learned From My Time as a Martial Arts Instructor
It’s an odd realization – but I think I may have learned more from my time as a teacher than I have from my time as a student. Here’s what I learned.
Mindfulness Challenge: 100 Days of Reflection
January 1st seems like a good time to work on a skill that lately I’ve been hearing more and more about: mindfulness.